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Europe Carpooling: The New Leader in Carpooling Across Europe

Carpooling is becoming increasingly ingrained in the habits of French people and Europeans at large. A study published in October 2014 by 30 Millions de Consommateurs revealed that 42% of French individuals have already utilized carpooling at least once. Additionally, over half of those surveyed (51%) affirmed that the collaborative economy is the consumption model of the 21st century.

For Mehdi Bouretima, founder of Europe Carpooling, carpooling represents more than just a passing trend. He explains:

"Far from being a passing fad, carpooling has demonstrated itself as a genuine consumption mode, even a way of life, fully embraced by users, whether they're French or European. With my platform connecting drivers and passengers across Europe, I aim to further open up the borders of carpooling."

A Global Collaborative Practice

It's undeniable that carpooling offers multiple benefits, including economic savings, environmental advantages, and the opportunity for diverse social interactions during journeys. These factors have contributed to the success of carpooling in recent years, a trend that continues to strengthen day by day.

Indeed, certain statistics underscore the significance of carpooling in the automotive realm. A report by the Automobile Club Association revealed in 2012 that the average annual budget for a car was close to €6,000 (precisely €5,976). This figure is enough to give pause to many drivers, prompting consideration of alternative, less expensive modes of transportation. By sharing rides, everyone stands to benefit.

In addition, environmental awareness plays a crucial role in the development of carpooling. 40% of carpoolers cite this as a reason for embracing the practice.

Finally, the act of sharing a car with strangers, whether as a driver or passenger, brings a social dimension, fostering human connections in an era dominated by virtual interactions.

These arguments resonate not only in France but also across borders. Whether in France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Belgium, or elsewhere, individuals face similar daily challenges with automobiles.

An Intuitive and User-Friendly Platform

For his project, Mehdi Bouretima envisioned a user-friendly website where everyone could quickly find what they're looking for. He explains:

"This site is designed to allow users, both passengers and drivers, to easily find desired information or publish trips in an instinctive manner."

Users can browse published trips to see if they match their needs, submit a request and wait for an alert informing them that the desired trip is available, or publish a trip indicating the cost for passengers.

Once a trip is found, booking is paid. Connection is automatically made through SMS code, email, or via the site's internal messaging system.

For maximum security, the identity of all registered users, both passengers and drivers, is verified with a mobile number and email address. At the end of the trip, passengers must provide the driver with an SMS code received during reservation and payment, ensuring prompt payment.

To fulfill its role as a European platform, the site is developed in multiple languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) and accepts multiple currencies (euro, dollar, and pound sterling).

It's worth noting that there's a "ladies only" category for safer trips among women, a shopping category, an airport category, and a "last trip" category, available chronologically.

About M.Bouretima

As an analyst programmer and project manager for several years, Mehdi Bouretima is an IT enthusiast who has turned his passion into a profession.

"I developed custom programs as an IT service provider. My expertise and skills were put to use for computer processing centers of major industrial groups, government agencies, and large French companies."

The inception of Europe Carpooling stemmed from the observation of a growing demand for peer-to-peer exchanges of goods and services, particularly carpooling. Aware of current societal and lifestyle trends shifting towards more environmentally friendly and economical propositions, Mehdi Bouretima sought to establish a European-scale carpooling service.

"Mentalities are changing, ecological awareness is becoming increasingly pronounced, and consumers are eager to save money on a daily basis. The ability to share rides is therefore logically becoming a more popular solution."

His ambition with Europe Carpooling?

"To gradually encourage users across Europe, and even worldwide, to adopt economical and ecological travel habits. I aim for carpooling to become the norm rather than just a passing trend."