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Privacy And Policy

Privacy And Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal data mentioned on the "Europe Carpooling" website is collected, utilized, and processed by 2IIBM TECH, in accordance with French data protection laws.

Registration on Our Website
To access our website, initial registration with your email address and selection of a free ACCESS username and password is required. Please safeguard your password to prevent any unauthorized access. Your IP address and usage timestamps are logged to enable website usage, and this data is deleted once no longer necessary. IP addresses and timestamps are retained as reference points for evidence and identification purposes. Upon written request, Europe Carpooling willingly provides stored data under your name.
Type, Context, and Purpose of Data Usage
Data provided during registration is utilized for contractual purposes, such as identifying carpooling offers and enabling website usage. With consent, data may also be used for informational or advertising purposes and stored electronically.
Third Parties
Data is accessible to third parties only for website functions and services, such as suppliers capturing website data. User acceptance of data transmission through validation of general conditions, including integration with partner websites, is implied. These contractors are required to adhere to data protection laws, such as French data protection laws. Europe Carpooling may also be obligated to transmit data to public institutions for checks. Otherwise, data is not shared with third parties.
Consent / Right to Withdraw
Data usage based on user consent is voluntary, and users can withdraw consent at any time for future use.
Cookies, Pixels
Cookies, small text files on visitor hard drives, facilitate website navigation and visitor statistics without compromising personal data. Pixel counts, invisible graphics blending with the background color, aid in website usage statistics without transmitting personal data.
Data Removal or Locking
Data provided during registration is retained until subscription termination, then erased unless legally obligated to retain. Data is then blocked for future use.
Data Protection Information Updates
Europe Carpooling reserves the right to update data protection information, notifying users promptly of any changes that may affect them.